Super Pang

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Super Pang is a straight forward game in which you're playing as a character armed with a gun, and all the while there are bouncing balls all over the place. Your goal is to destroy all of the bouncing balls before the timer runs out. Along the lower left part of the screen it will show you your current score, as well as the currently equipped weapon. For the controls, you'll be using the arrow keys to move left and right along the screen, and to shoot you hit the space bar. Above your head will be an indicator showing your currently equipped weapon - there are three weapons, a pistol, a harpoon, and a grabber weapon. You'll want to pick up items along your way, such a new weapons and a dual wield power up. There's also shields that protect you for a few hits, extra lives, bombs that can be used to attack a wide area all at once, a clock that will temporarily freeze all the balls in place, as well as point bonus pickups in values of 100, 500 and 1000. You'll also need to be mindful of the type of terrain you are on - ice floors will make it impossible for you to stop running until you hit a wall, snow floors which will make it difficult to stop, but not as badly so as with ice, and grass floors which while they won't impede your ability to stop, they will slow down your movement speed a good bit. Keep your eyes peeled for breakable blocks/walls which will be a sort of blue/grey gradient. Pro tip - don't try to do everything at once, otherwise you will quickly get overwhelmed. Focus on taking out the balloons one at a time and you'll have an easier time getting through the game. Also, utilize upgrades and power ups at any and all opportunities.