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It seems like Tetris, but it's not quite that. Where as Tetris has blocks constantly coming down in an endless stream, with Phit there will always be only a set amount of blocks of various shapes, with no more being added. The goal here is to take them from up above into the colored area down below. You need to get all of the blocks down there, and there's only one way for all of them to fit together down there. Sometimes it's really quite simple to figure out - other times you'll be bashing your head into your monitor, screaming that it's completely impossible to solve, until in a moment of clarity you finally see the trick on that particular level. The game starts out relatively simple, but once you get a few levels into things it will start throwing some really serious brain teasers your way. Speed isn't necessarily required in this game, but you will earn a bit more points if you are able to finish a puzzle more quickly.