Right off the bat for your lawyers - this is a digital paraody of McDonald's, intended solely for entertainment and is in no way meant to represnet the company. This is a game that will have you playing as a manager of, you guessed it, a McDonald's restaurant. Along the top right is the current month and year, with controls to speed up or slow down game play. Down along the bottom, starting from the left, is a series of buttons to switch from one section to another. Below that is your current amount of cash. Next to that is information displayed about the currently selected operation, as well as it's cost. You will be supervising all four sectors of the company - agricultural selection, the feedlot, the fast food restaurants, as well as corporate headquarters. Swtich between these using the icons in the lower left corner of the screen. Manage your agriculture and raise cattle, who will later move onto the feed lot where they are fed a high calorie soy based diet to add more fat to them to make the optimal burger. Once a cow is fat enough, it will be slaughtered for its meat automatically. You can manage what they're being fed and how much, and also adding hormones is an option. Hormones will fatten the cows up quicker, but they could have some risks to consumer health - so this can present a bit of a risk. If conditions are poor, cows can get disease. If a cow gets infected, it can spread the illness to your other cows - so they're best destroyed as soon as they get sick to keep the rest of the herd safe and relatively healthy. Same rule applies if they get mad cow disease - take them out. At the restaurants you will need to manage things well to ensure happy employees and happy customers. Make sure to keep the lines moving so the customers stay happy, being able to get their food promptly. Keep employee morale up with rewards and things such as an employee of the month/week badge - but on the flip side, don't be afraid to fire those employees who just simply aren't pulling their weight.