Kill or be killed in this fast paced game of shoooting to survive that can be played either single player or co-operatively, locally at the same machine! Collect as many weapons and power ups as you can to improve your chances of getting through this alive, and always keep that multiplier up as high as you can! Move around player 1 with the arrow keys, and move player 2 around with the W A S D keys. Shoot with space bar if playing single player, or in multiplayer, use the / key and player 2 will us the space bar. Change weapons in single player quickly using the 0-9 keys, and in mulitplayer player 1 will use the . and , keys to cycle through, and player 2 will use the Q and E keys. You can earn more weapons or upgrades for your current weapons by increasing your multiplier - every kill you get will increase it by 1. Keep in mind though it will go back down over time, and how quickly that happends depends on how high your multiplier is. Upgrade, upgrade, upgrade is the key if you want to win - the weapons get better and better as you earn more, so always keep that multiplier up! Be sure to take out box devils as soon as you can - they can only shoot energy balls at you while you're not shooting them. Play the game on cooperative mode to double your firepower, double your fun, and double your chances of winning! Explosives can be you best friend but also your worst nightmare - be careful when using weapons like the rocket launcher, because you can and will take splash damage from your own rockets.